Fiber Broadband
Vi ingår nu i ett samarbete med GlobalConnect för att kunna leverera fast bredband via fiber.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions and answers about fiber broadband.
Du måste ha en fiberanslutning, det vill säga att ett företag som till exempel GlobalConnect har fysisk installerat en fiberkabel och anslutit din fastighet. Därefter kan du fritt välja vilken internetoperatör du vill ha, till exempel oss och vår internettjänst. Vi samarbar med Öppna Nät i Sverige, primärt via GlobalConnect. Om du väljer GlobalConnect som leverantör kommer vi finnas med som val av internetleverantörer.
Just like the large tech companies, we build networks and equipment in accordance with the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency's directives and the guidelines for open standards, but without losing the personal focus. Since we built our network from the ground up with the technical progress made in recent years, we have no "baggage" or outdated infrastructure to consider and can thus follow modern standards and guidelines, with a personal touch.
We offer similar phone hours as others in the industry. Behind the scenes, there are technicians that make sure that the network is up and running 24/7. One difference between our customer support and others' is that you will be able to talk to a technician directly and therefore the problem can usually be identified and fixed immediately when you call.
Surf safely with antivirus and firewall and even protection against ransomware attacks. Through our security package, you get the same security solution that is used by very large large companies and that we can now also offer private individuals.